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Student Resources

The only difference between CSU and CSU Online is the setting. When you enroll in one of CSU's online programs, you are enrolled at Colorado State University, a regionally accredited institution in Fort Collins, Colorado. At CSU, online and on-campus students receive many of the same services.

What type of program are you looking for?

I’m interested in earning a bachelor’s degree online

Want to start or complete your undergraduate degree with CSU? Students who do this are referred to as "degree-seeking students."

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Review the list of online degrees offered by CSU
  2. Connect with the Success Coach of the degree(s) you are interested in (contact info is listed on the degree page)
    Optional: If you have transfer coursework, consider requesting a Tentative Transfer Evaluation
  3. When you’re ready, apply to CSU
  4. Wait to receive your letter of admission to CSU and your welcome email from the CSU Online Advising Team

I’m interested in earning a master's, Ph.D., or doctoral degree online

Ready to start or complete your graduate degree? CSU offers a wide range of online master’s and doctoral programs.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Review the list of online graduate degrees offered by CSU
  2. Connect with the Success Coach of the degree or degrees you are interested in (contact information is listed on each degree page)
  3. When you’re ready, apply to CSU
  4. Wait to receive your letter of admission

I’m interested in an online graduate certificate

Want to complete a graduate certificate online with CSU, but not sure where to start? Check out the information available here to begin the process.

  1. Review the list of online graduate certificates offered by CSU
  2. Connect with the Success Coach of the certificate(s) you are interested in (contact information is listed on each certificate page)
  3. When you’re ready, apply to CSU
  4. Wait to receive your letter of admission

Why should you consider a graduate certificate?

Graduate certificates are meant for students who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are:

  • exploring whether they want to enroll in graduate school to complete a master’s degree
  • seeking to gain new skills and knowledge beyond what they learned as an undergraduate
  • ready to complete graduate-level, topic-specific coursework for career development
  • planning to shift careers or advance in a current career path

I want to take an online course with CSU (but I'm not sure about a degree yet)

You don’t have to be enrolled in a degree program to take credit courses with CSU. Students who do this are referred to as "non-degree seeking students." However, you should be aware that some courses are reserved or prioritized for students enrolled in an academic program. Some courses also have required prerequisites.

Learn more about the Exploratory Studies Option.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Create a New Account
  2. Register for Coursework
  3. The majority of our online courses are taught through Canvas. Learn more about Canvas.
  4. You will receive a confirmation email the morning after you register. This is an important email with information on setting up your NetID with CSU.
  5. Review tuition billing information for CSU

Please note: Non-degree seeking students are not eligible to utilize federal financial aid.

Questions? Ask the CSU Online Advising Team

I want to take a professional education course (noncredit course)

Looking for training and knowledge that can help you grow professionally and personally? Want to add new credentials to your resume?

CSU offers a range of interactive, noncredit courses in a variety of topic areas, from agriculture to arts, business to STEM. Many courses are entirely self-paced, giving you’re the flexibility to study when it fits your schedule.

Learn more about available student resources

CSU offers a wide variety of resources and services for students, including Academic Advising, Military and Veteran Resources, and Technical Support. Note that you must register for at least one credit for the current semester to access most services.

Academic Resources

  • Academic Advising
    Receive guidance on transfer credits, course selection, and degree progress.

  • Canvas LMS Support
    Find information about using the Canvas Learning Management System.

  • Financial Aid
    Learn about Federal Financial Aid eligibility, how to apply for financial aid, tuition assistance plans, and more.

  • Affordability in Higher Education and Promise Programs
    Continuing your education beyond high school is an opportunity that all Coloradans should have, and finances should not be a barrier to pursuing your goals. That’s why the Colorado Department of Higher Education and Colorado public institutions of higher education have partnered to share information about institutional programs that address the cost of tuition.

  • Finish What You Started Program
    Do you have some college, but didn’t graduate? Thinking about re-enrolling to complete your bachelor’s degree? Consider learning more about this program for Colorado residents.

  • Grades and Transcripts
    Learn more about when grades are posted and the difference between official and unofficial transcripts.

  • Library Services
    Access CSU's library databases, electronic journals, and services provided by the distance learning library team.

  • RAMweb
    A personalized access center to your student information and University services (available to all current credit students).

  • Tutoring
    CSU offers a range of tutoring options for both online and on-campus students.

  • Writing Center
    The CSU Writing Center is a free service open to all CSU students, with real-time online consultations available.

Helpful Information

Technology Resources

  • Technical Support and Requirements
    Get info on tech support, software downloads, accessibility, and more.

  • IT Helpdesk
    The Central IT Tech Support Helpdesk can help resolve technology concerns.

  • Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC)
    The ATRC works with CSU students and staff with disabilities to find technology that matches their strengths an preferences to maximize success.

  • Office 365
    Download and install the full version of Microsoft Office on up to five computers – free of charge.

Community Resources

  • Adult Learner and Veteran Services
    As an adult and/or veteran student, access a broad range of resources aimed to support your academic and professional advancement.

  • Military Resources
    Whether you choose to study online, on campus, or both, CSU provides military service members and veterans the support they need to find a suitable program and achieve their goals.

  • Pride Resource Center
    The Pride Resource Center provides programs and services to support the retention and thriving of LGBTQ+ students at CSU.

  • Student Disability Center
    SDC accommodation specialists can help students with disabilities set up accommodations for courses.

  • Student Government
    Share your voice and vote to determine the direction of CSU's student government by participating in elections administered through RAMweb each spring.

  • Student Legal Resources
    Get advice and guidance on legal concerns with free consultations through Student Legal Services.

  • Student Resolution Center
    Receive confidential assistance with navigating interpersonal conflicts, appeal processes, and university policies/procedures.

  • Tell Someone
    If you are concerned about the health, well-being, or safety of a CSU student or employee, you are encouraged to use the Tell Someone service.

  • Women and Gender Advocacy Center
    Receive confidential crisis intervention and support including information about academic, legal, medical, emotional, and other resources for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking.

Wellness and Mental Health Resources

Your mental health and well-being are important to us. As an online student, you have access to several resources that are available at no charge for CSU community members:

  • YOU @ CSU
    Online student success tool, is available 24/7 at or through RAMweb.
  • SilverCloud
    Free online program based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles. It includes many different self-paced modules to help you increase your well-being, including programs focused on managing depression, anxiety, stress and sleep.
  • Nod
    A free mobile app that helps you learn how to deal with loneliness and strengthen social ties. It uses evidence-based practices to remind us of the small things we can do to create positive moments for ourselves and the people we care about. Learn more about the app and how to download it on the Nod web page.
  • Ram Recovery Community
    Concerned about your alcohol or drug use in these stressful times? Take an online self-assessment to help you check in with your substance use or connect with other students in the Ram Recovery Community.

Many of the mental health resources provided by CSU Health Network, including Counseling Services, are paid for by student fees. This means that access to these services is available for fee-paying students only. CSU Online students who agree to pay the student access fee are eligible to receive services at CSU Health Network.

If you would like to access mental health services at CSU Health Network, you will be charged the University Counseling Center access fee. Your fee to access Counseling Services in the Spring 2021 semester is $53.23.*

*Fees can change from semester to semester. For more information, see the Fees section of the Health Network’s Eligibility, Fees, and Service Charges page. Fees are charged to your student account.

Note: You do not need to be enrolled in the CSU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) to access services at CSU Health Network. However, due to legal limitations, the CSU Health Network cannot provide services to students located outside of Colorado. If you currently reside out-of-state, we encourage you to seek care in your community.

Career Resources

  • Career Center
    Access a variety of tools to guide your job search, continue your career training, and connect with fellow students and employers.

  • Career Competencies Info
    Learn about the skills and knowledge that employers look for. Download a useful handout for the competencies and their definitions. During your job search, use these names to categorize your experiences and communicate your skills/knowledge.

Additional Resources

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Colorado State University publishes an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report each year on or before Oct. 1. This report includes current safety and security policies and procedures, contact information for various university and community resources related to crime prevention and survivor assistance, information about university policies on drug and alcohol use, as well as crime prevention programs, fire safety information, and crime and fire statistics for the previous three years on reported crimes that occurred on university properties or non-university properties that are controlled by CSU. View a digital copy of the report, or you can request a printed copy through the Clery Compliance Office.

Hear from the CSU faculty who bring their expert knowledge and instruction from campus to online students everywhere.

Why Choose CSU?

  • Study online from wherever you are.

  • Pay the same affordable tuition regardless of where you live.

  • CSU consistently earns top rankings.