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SOCR 201 - Seed Development and Metabolism

  • 1 credit

This seed development and metabolism course introduces students to the basic concepts of seed physiology. An understanding of the processes which occur during seed development, maturation, storage and germination is needed to clarify why certain procedures are used for seed germination, why some seeds do not respond to procedures used, and to help analysts explain to customers why their seed is of low quality. Seed composition is a critical factor in how well seed stores or germinates. Stage of seed development and maturity will also influence seed storability, germination and growth.

This course is beneficial for individuals interested in learning about seeds and for those who are studying to become registered seed technologists or certified seed analysts. Individuals registered or certified by the Society of Commercial Seed Technicians or by the Association of Official Seed Analysts are in demand by seed companies and by state and federal seed laboratories.


Roger Levy

Roger D. Levy earned his B.S. in Agronomy from Purdue University and then earned his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in Genetics. He then worked as a corn breeder for Gutwein Seed and later for Beck’s Hybrids. His special interests included developing food grade hybrids for Frito-Lay and Cargill Dry Corn Ingredients and implementing the Dihaploid breeding procedure for high throughput breeding which is now used extensively in Beck’s corn breeding program. Some of the committees that he has served on include the Technical Steering Group for the USDA Germplasm Enhancement of Maize program, the Corn Committee for the Indiana Crop Improvement Association, the Planning Committee for the American Seed Trade Association’s Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conference, and currently the Molecular Genetics Research Committee for Native Traits LLC.